Course Overview

This apprenticeship is ideal for those working in organisations which receive contacts from members of the public who are in emergency and non-emergency situations. Typical organisations are Ambulance, Fire, Police, the NHS, National Highways, and the Maritime and Coastguard Agency. The programme is tailored to suit this specific job role, skills, knowledge, and behaviours and working methods and will highlight areas for development.

What You Will Study

To achieve the transferable knowledge, skills and behaviours required for emergency services contact handler, you will work towards completion of three modules.

Module 1 – Knowledge

  • Legislation including data protection, equality and inclusion, and health, safety and security
  • Incident types
  • Decision making
  • Principles of risk assessment
  • Grading of incidents
  • Multi-agency working
  • Procedures
  • Ethical standard of the organisation

Module 2- Skills:

  • Operate communication systems and bespoke software
  • Effectively communicate and question service users, providing immediate and appropriate advice and information
  • Accurately utilise and record gathered information using technology
  • Manage service users’ expectations
  • Assess information and decide and complete appropriate course of action in line with organisational and national requirements

Module 3 – Behaviours:

  • Treat colleagues and service users with compassion and empathy, without bias or prejudice
  • Demonstrate the highest standards of professionalism and trustworthiness
  • Uphold organisational values, moral codes and ethical standards
  • Manage multiple demands, whilst prioritising safety
  • Manage own emotions in challenging situations
  • Be reliable and adaptable
  • Take ownership for own professional performance and continuous development
  • Demonstrate a proactive approach to collaboration
  • These are pre-selected in line with the requirements of the role and the End Point
  • Assessment for this apprenticeship

Functional Skills in English and Maths:
These are key elements of your apprenticeship and are essential to the role of an emergency services contact handler. If you do not already have a GCSE Grade 9-4 in these subjects you will be required to study Functional Skills at the appropriate levels. English and Maths skills will support your apprenticeship programme, assisting you with assignment writing, research, job applications, and data analysis, to mention just a few.

  • Attendance Expectations

    You will be required to attend regular meetings with your assessor via distance learning, to learn knowledge, skills and behaviours.

    If you are undertaking Functional Skills as part of your apprenticeship, you may be required to attend Castleford College or your workplace for a week block of teaching, per Functional Skill subject. This will be discussed at your enrolment and induction.

    Throughout your apprenticeship, you will be required to record the number of hours you spend learning and training. This will be equivalent to 20% of your working hours for the whole duration of the apprenticeship. This can be achieved through a range of methods, such as work-related training, or self-study within your usual working week. This will be agreed with your employer at the start of your apprenticeship.

  • How You Will Be Assessed

    Assessments will take place both in the workplace and using an online e-portfolio.

    Prior to commencing your apprenticeship, you will attend an induction either at college or your workplace. This includes an assessment of your maths and English skills to determine your current abilities, and an introduction to apprenticeships and your e-portfolio.

    During the apprenticeship you will complete assignments, gather product evidence for your portfolio, and be observed by your assessor in the workplace.

    After on programme learning has taken place, you will complete an End Point Assessment. This consists of an observation of live contacts and pre-recorded contacts, and a professional discussion based on evidence of knowledge and behaviours. This will be carried out by an Independent End Point Assessor from Skills for Justice.

  • Entry Requirements

    Certificate evidence of English and Maths at Level 2 or GCSEs at Grade 9-4.

    If you do not have these, we can support the development of your English and maths skills through completion of Functional Skills in the relevant subject and one-to-one support.

    You must be working in a role that corresponds with the apprenticeship standard, which involves senior customer interaction in a relevant emergency contact centre.

  • Fee Information

    Please contact the Apprenticeship Recruitment Team on 01924 789469 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Further Study

    Successful completion of this apprenticeship will allow you to progress to Higher Education studies at Level 4 and above, including Foundation Degrees. This apprenticeship will also support progression to other related occupational areas, such as Business Administration or Customer Service, to give some examples.